Miss Lucy enjoying her vibrating Papa San for the first time. Also, in a bunny stare down contest, Lucy has learned early that the bunny always wins...
I can't stop taking pictures of my Girl with her Dad. Aren't they the cutest? By the way, Mount Lucyna was erupting during the taking of this picture, hence her smirk.
Miss Lucy turned one week old today. I can't believe how big she has gotten in that short time span. We were concerned about her weight drop after she left the hospital, so we were taking her to be weighed every other day. I was more than estatic today when we learned that she gained a little over five ounces since Thursday. She's eating much better and, in turn, sleeping much better - Mom and Dad are happy campers. Her personality has already started to show as well. For the most, she is very content and easily pleased. I think that she's going to be a pretty easy going kid (knock on wood).
Her Aunt Vadsana and Aunt Sue stayed over Friday and Saturday night. They were a blessing to Charles and me. We were able to get a consecutive two hours of peaceful, restful sleep. Sleep has never felt sooooo good.
Thank you Grandma Penn, Great-Grandma Maly, Papa, and Grandma Boo Boo for bringing us tons of food this weekend. We love you guys!