Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Our little girl turned the big one yesterday. This past year has flown with such an amazing speed that I'm afraid if I blink, she'll be going off to college. That being said, I have truly enjoyed every moment motherhood has had to offer. Well, okay maybe not ALL of the crying, but most of it. She has been such a gift and a blessing. I am amazed at the capacity of love I have to give her, and it only grows stronger everyday.

Lucy loves any dessert, especially cake. I have heard of parents that wait to give their children sweets until the first birthday. I personally do not know any of them, but I am sure of their exsistence. I will say for allergy reasons we introduced dessert early. Instead of the three day window to watch for reactions, we went with six months instead.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

What the Heck?

Our household has been crazy lately. Lucy's been teething. She's also been running a fever and has a bit of a summer cold. On top of that, I've been trying to get her on more solids lately, and boy, have they been working a number on her digestive system. One word: Stinky.

For the last three weeks, Ted has been lethargic, with loss of appetite. He's made three trips to the vet's office, including an overnight stay. He was so dehydrated that he had to be hooked up to an IV. Eight hundred dollars, two blood panels, one full body x-ray, four different prescription meds, three pukey puddles, two bad runny stool incidents later, he's still not himself. Poor Ted.

On a happier note, aside from a stomach bug, I'm doing fine and so is Chaz. Hopefully, Lucy will cut her teeth and she and Ted will get healthy soon. I miss my normally happy and healthy family.