Friday, February 29, 2008


Let me preface this post by stating: I have been threatened bodily harm by numerous people (who shall remain anonymous) to update. Yes, it have been a while, but in my defense, I am nine months pregnant. So there.

I never, ever carry my camera around, so I have been begging anyone and everyone to send me pictures. My pleas were heard by my good friend Lacy. Aside from the last two pictures, she supplied the rest. So, those of you rejoicing in this new post, thank her.

Valentine's Day was quite uneventful. Well it was for Charles and I anyway. Lucy exchanged cards with her playgroup the Wednesday before. I think she was sad that she had to share her Valentine dates with Mallory. She is very good at "expressing" her feelings.

The following week at playgroup Lucy decided that it would be fun to sit in the cat's water bowl. She was drenched from butt to back. Thankfully, our gracious hosts were kind enough to lend us an outfit to wear home. I'm not much for hunting, but I think that Lucy is contemplating her future in the game industry.

This week at playgroup we celebrated Zach and Ethan's birthdays. I can't believe they are both two years old. How quickly they grow (sniff, sniff). Like mother, like daughter; Lucy and I stuffing birthday cake into our faces.

While the rest of the brood ran around playing, Lucy decided the morning was best spent in on the couch watching television. Shocking, I know.

After most of the group left, and the only walkers remaining were Lucy, Ethan, and Zach, Lucy decided it was time to play. I have never seen her more animated before. She was really in her element rough housing with the boys. All that wrestling with Charles has really paid off. That girl can hold her own, and amazingly she walked away with only a single bruise.

Both pictures are me at 36 weeks, but the first is with Lucy, the second was taken two days ago. I think that I am bigger the second time around. I definitely feel bigger. I'm going to the doctor every week now. It kind of seems like a waste of time. I was weighed and measured, the doctor asked if I had any questions (I said "no"), I rescheduled for next week, and then I left. If they weren't checking the baby's heartbeat I would say the visits would be entirely pointless.

I had been having a lot of pressure, so at my 35 week appointment, the doctor checked me. My cervix is softening and thinning, but not too much to be alarmed, and the baby's head is already snugly in place (which would explain the pressure and constant trips to the bathroom). I don't anticipate this girl making an early debut, but you never know. I can already tell you she is prepping me for the late night feedings. For the last two weeks, I have been making middle of the night trips to the bathroom at midnight, two, four, and six. That I can handle, it's the constant kicking and jabbing and boxing that I find more or less annoying/painful. Don't get me wrong, I do love all the movement, but my uterus is about the size of a New York city apartment.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's My Girl in a Box...

Friday afternoon Charles called and asked if Lucy and I would like to go to Sesame Street Live. I was stoked; Lucy was indifferent. I really wanted to see the new Sprint Center, and this would be Lucy's first big outing. Because the tickets were free, I figured that if Lucy was too young to enjoy the show, we'd stick around for a bit and then leave. In fact, I was kind of hoping for the evening to play out as such. As soon as we got to the Center we walked around and picked up dinner for Lucy ($9 cheese pizza, which she inhaled) and dessert for Me (2, 79 cent donuts from Quik Trip, which I inhaled). Twenty minutes later the show started.

You can see my plans for the evening were quickly thrown out the window. Much to the surprise of her father and I, Lucy loved the show. Her favorite thing to do was to clap after every song was over. Funny enough, it was mine too, but for different reasons...

Thankfully, she isn't quite a year and a half yet, so her attention span wasn't quite up to par with the length of the show. We left five minutes before intermission. Wiggly toddler aside, there is only so much "Elmo Grows Up" any parent can stand. I'm evil, I know.

Saturday we headed down to Brookside for a trip to the Lauren Alexandra Bebe Boutique. It was my first time in the store and I wanted everything. Too bad that it followed boutique trend and sold everything at boutique price. So, we headed next door to the kiddy bookstore. Lucy loved the old-fashion type writer. I think (and hope) she and her sister will grow up with an appreciation for anything literary.

We spent the evening at the Smiths and watched the very sad and very pathetic Superbowl game. We all ate too much and had to be rolled home. Monday morning Charles' flu bug made it's second season debut. He ran a fever for the next twenty four hours. Poor guy. At least he had Lucy to take care of him.

Even though Charles was sick Monday and Tuesday, having him home during the day was nice. Lucy really loves to hang out with her Dad. So much in fact that today she found herself quite bored. When I'm bored, I eat. When Lucy is bored, she sits in shoe boxes. If I followed her trend in thinking, I would a: be much thinner, b: have a bum shaped like a rectangle.

Oh yes, I loved reading all of the comments from the last post. I told you that quiz would be fun and interesting. I can't believe I am blessed with so many good girlfriends that are all pregnant at the same time. Here's to healthy babies!